Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A year of Pearl

Our "little peanut" is one year old now. My midwife started calling her a little peanut at my first ultrasound. I can remember that appointment like it was yesterday. Cory and my mom were in the room. We listened to her heartbeat (my mom instantly started crying), I had a pelvic exam (with them still in the room--awkward), and then we saw our little peanut on the ultrasound.
Pearl turned one on August 3. We had our parents over for dinner. To be honest, I wasn't planning on doing much on her actual birthday. However, grandparents would just not have that. I made Mac n cheese and baked potatoes. Cory grilled chicken and corn on the cob. We bought her a small cake and Elmo balloon. I asked my mom to by her some kind of birthday shirt. My mom found a long sleeved onesie that read "birthday girl". I rolled up the sleeves and ironed on "one". I didn't have the letter 'n' so I cut the letter 'm' to (sort of) look like 'n'.
I realize these aren't the best photos. It's difficult to be the photographer and host ;)

Dear Pearl,
       It is hard to believe that you are already one year old, my sweet little angel. I love being your mother. I can't even begin to explain how much joy you bring me. You are the silliest, craziest and most beautiful thing I have ever met! I love watching you grow everyday. 
       This has been quite the year. You started off with a BANG! I've never seen so many people so upset and worried. After about a week in the NICU we were finally able to take you home. Your dad and I were so scared, and your first night home wasn't easy at all. I still can't believe that sleepless night was a year ago.
        You have turned into quite the little character and I love it! You have a sense of humor, you can dance and you can definitely be dramatic. You are so smart, Pearl, and you always have been. I am more amazed by you everyday. I'm smiling right now just thinking about all of your qualities! You're great.
        I'm not very good with words and I don't really know what to say. I just hope one day you get to experience this love I feel for you. There is no greater joy in life than being your mother. I feel bad for anyone who isn't apart of your life, because they are truly missing out. I'm going to leave it at that for now.

I love you more than I knew I was capable of.

Now, I'd like some input from my fellow mamas. 
1. Eating: *Pearl likes to throw her food on the floor no matter if she loves it or hates it. Sometimes I will just feed her myself so I don't have to deal with the mess. 
*I am slowly starting to give her a spoon while she eats. Still afraid to give her food in a bowl or on a plate. *Also, I want to keep introducing her to new foods before its too late.
2. Sleeping: *Pearl falls asleep with a milk bottle. I take it away after she falls asleep. *She wakes up once a night for a bottle and the falls back asleep. She hasn't slept through the night since we was 6mo.
I know I have more I'd like your input on, but I can't think at the moment. Probably because I'm waiting for Pearl to wake up. So any tips and advice for one year olds are welcomed. Oh, bath time! We take showers now, because Pearl hates the bath. 

I'm going to go check on Pearl now. Have a wonderful afternoon. 
Here's a photo from Pearl's party. I'll try to write a detailed blog about her party very soon!                 

 Oh yeah, here are the photos from her "one year photo shoot"!